Interesting thought... Who am I? I am a mother of eight amazing,beautiful, musical ,creative children and yes I birthed them all! The last six were wonderful home births with my equally amazing husband! Before my babies, I had a wonderful life lesson in the WACS (Translation: Women's Army Corps.) There I met my husband as I was in Medic training. I went on to become a combat medic and a Physical Therapy Specialist working with amputees and burn patients in Army Hospitals.

Music has always been so important for me. I began learning the piano at age four, the flute came next, and with my beautiful, musical mother began flute and sang in choirs all throughout my life. I continue to find joy singing with my children in the SPC chorus. When I work with people and their healing process music flows so often from them as I have found that music is medicine....breath is life.....

We settled in St. Petersburg. Life on the planet, and with eight babies, no surprise that I had a passion for helping women and their partners experience birthing in a more positive, natural way. It is, by the way, a natural process that so many have forgotten as it has become so medically managed! I worked many years as a doula and created a post-partum massage therapy program for St. Anthony's Hospital. I had the blessing of massaging many mothers after their births, and the joy of teaching them how to massage their babies. We moved the program to Bayfront Medical Center where I developed and taught an "alternative birthing approach"; Informed Choices for Childbirth! I managed the Beth Hinckley Agency throughout and also provided the first lactation support at St Anthony's. I taught new OB/GYN nurses at BMC classes in Guided Imagery, Aromatherapy, Alternative Pain Management and Comfort measures for childbirth. The state of Florida contracted me to teach case manager's how to teach Infant massage to at risk families in an effort to reduce child abuse.

My son experienced a car accident. I needed more info..I became certified in Medical massage. The journey continues...flashback 10 years...I really got into reflexology. If you were a guest at our home you could expect after dinner a foot or hand reflexology treatment! While I was attending the Suncoast School of Massage I really got into the body's electo-magnetic field. Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch. We are the body electric! In my spare time I directed children's choirs for several local churches in the area. Now that was the most magnificent therapy! Children singing!!!!!!After helping to create a Cancer Survivor Event At Bayfront Medical Center, and keynote speaker for complementary therapies, my body decided that I was taking a break! Long story short, I closed my agency in a day! New Direction. Pain release and healing! New focus...Myofascial release....

After a few years devoted to being with my babies and healing me....with the love and support of so many fabulous people....and also after being told I could never do my work again....On the road again....the journey continues!!!!

I like to be outside of the box. I love to work in a time-free zone. I work intuitively. I am blessed!!!! Along with my practice I launched a long term dream this year...A non-profit organization to change the way children are treated with scoliosis. It is in it's infancy but the goal is to help create and maintain strong children. The Foundation for Strong Children!!! We have so much we hope to accomplish for the care and education of children! Life is an adventure! I feel that we are here to learn and to serve and for joy!
Love and Peace to All!


Live Life With Passion!

©Beth Hinckley 2011